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Text File | 1991-01-06 | 8.9 KB | 340 lines | [04] ASCII Text (0x0000) |
- *626080007
- *235090028
- *327120084
- *438090121
- *138090179
- *737080288
- ~
- *62608
- You have a choice of
- monochrome or color
- graphics. Monochrome
- graphics show more
- detail` but are fuzzy
- and slow.*
- To get the most out of
- monochrome graphics on
- a color monitor` turn
- the color all the way
- down or switch off the
- color if your monitor
- has such a switch.*
- You may exit this
- program by pressing
- the Escape key or
- Control-C.
- At any time` you can
- press the ? key to get
- help and information.
- *23509
- You are selecting a portion of
- the graph to enlarge. Using the
- arrow keys or /\
- place the Control- K
- box over < H U >
- the area you J
- wish to enlarge. \/*
- Because drawing the graph may
- take some time` the program
- will beep when it finishes
- plotting the graph.
- You can toggle this sound at
- any menu by hitting Control-S.*
- To change the size of the frame`
- press < or >.
- To toggle the distance by which
- the frame moves` press Space.
- When the frame is sized and
- positioned over the area you
- wish to enlarge` press return.*
- The new graph will be drawn over
- the old` starting from the left`
- so you will usually be able to
- see how things are going by
- comparing what is being drawn
- with what is visible in the
- frame.*
- Because each new graph is
- calculated from scratch in order
- to bring out details` the new
- graph may differ a bit from what
- you expected. Sometimes` if
- you changed the parameters too
- much` the new graph may even be
- blank!*
- This happens because the
- accuracy of the graph depends
- upon the value of the first
- number you give it. Changing
- that number changes the shape
- of the graph` and as you blow
- up ever-smaller parts of the
- graph` small changes in shape
- become very large.*
- If a blank graph is drawn you
- will probably have to start over
- because there is no way to go
- back one screen.*
- So just experiment and you'll
- get the hang of it.
- With patience` you can dive
- deep` deep into that fractal
- landscape. Who knows what
- you'll find?
- *32712
- You can either look at
- time-series analyses of
- this graph` or enlarge
- a section of it for
- more detailed study.*
- What you are looking at
- is a graph of the stable
- population size reached
- by the population at
- different rates of
- growth.*
- This graph provides
- a way of looking at
- the overall behavior of
- the equation. Blowing
- up smaller and smaller
- sections of it lets you
- see detail far too tiny
- to be visible on the
- initial graph.*
- A time-series plots the
- changing population size
- from season to season.
- So it will let you
- watch the equilibrium
- settle in over time.*
- When viewing a time-
- series` you can also
- count how many seasons
- it takes the graph to
- repeat itself. This is
- called the period of the
- equation at one growth
- rate` and cannot be
- observed directly after
- the initial graph has
- been blown up.
- *43809
- You are looking at a graph of the
- stable population levels reached
- at different rates of growth` with
- the growth rates increasing from
- left to right. From here` you can
- select a particular growth rate`
- and examine seasonal growth at
- that rate.*
- Use the arrows or Control-H and
- Control-U to move the cursor line.
- To toggle the distance by which
- the line moves` press Space.
- When the line is positioned where
- you want it` press Return.*
- The graph will then be replaced
- by a time-series analysis. You
- can see the population rise and
- fall and settle at a stable--
- equilibrium level.*
- At higher growth rates` this
- level will split` and the population
- will alternate between two levels on
- alternate years.*
- At even higher growth rates` the
- level will continue to split`
- finally breaking up into random
- noise.
- But look closer . . .
- Even here` order lurks in the
- numbers if you can just see it.*
- The number displayed with the
- time-series represents the growth
- rate. Like all the numbers in
- these graphs` its actual value
- is not very meaningful` but this
- number tells us a lot about the
- equation. For example` chaotic
- behavior sets in at around 3.6`
- called the point of accumulation.*
- It is also possible` with a bit of
- mathematical savvy and a lot of
- patience` to use this number to
- predict period doublings. This
- is important` since it allows
- predictions to be made about
- something that is otherwise
- random in appearance.*
- This is part of why Chaos is
- important. Imagine an engineer
- working on aircraft` car engines
- or artificial hearts. Using
- Chaos` a mathematician might be
- able to tell the engineer where
- turbulance will crop up and how
- bad it will be.
- *13809
- Chaos Explorer needs two bits of
- information from you. The first
- is the number of times to run the
- equation before plotting anything.
- The second tells the program
- how many points to plot once it
- has run it to that point.*
- Chaos Explorer uses an equation
- that models the behavior of a
- population over time. The
- equation is given a growth rate
- and a current population size
- and computes the population size
- for the next year or generation.*
- If the growth rate is too low
- then the population` like that of
- the giant panda` will dwindle.
- And as the population size gets
- larger` it restricts itself just
- like any real population where
- food and other resources are
- scarce.*
- The result is a model that
- behaves like several real
- populations` and that does
- some pretty odd things.*
- Chaos Explorer shows you this
- behavior in two different ways`
- so that you can see how the
- population does at a given rate
- of growth and also see its
- overall behavior.*
- The graph of overall behavior
- is what the two numbers are for.
- The graph will be plotted with
- the growth rate increasing from
- left to right and population
- size increasing from bottom to
- top.*
- In order to compress all the
- behavior of the population at
- many growth rates onto one graph`
- this graph will plot the
- population reached after many
- generations (the equilibrium
- point) for each rate of growth.*
- This is where the two numbers
- come in. The first determines
- how many generations to wait before
- plotting. The larger this number`
- the more likely the populatin is to
- settle down to its equilibrium.
- Thus` the more accurate--but time-
- consuming--the graph.*
- As you blow up ever-smaller chunks
- of the graph` this number must get
- very large to keep the graph
- honest` because you are enlarging
- the whole equation` including the
- parts that reach equilibrium very
- slowly` thereby distorting the
- graph.*
- The second number determines how
- many points to plot. If there is
- a stable population size` then only
- one point will show up at that
- equilibrium` and if the population
- never settles down then many`
- seemingly random` points
- will appear.*
- This number need not be huge--on
- the first graph even a tiny number
- like eight will give a crude idea
- of the shape of things.*
- As you blow up smaller sections of
- the graph however` this number also
- must rise because only the points
- falling within the current section
- can be plotted--the rest are simply
- ignored.*
- For decent results on the initial
- graph` try values of about 20 for
- both parameters. On later graphs`
- you will be asked for new numbers.
- This does not change the equation`
- only the number of generations to
- wait before plotting and the number
- of generations to plot.*
- The reason Chaos Explorer asks for
- these numbers each time it blows up
- the graph is that you may want to
- use very much larger numbers when
- blowing up tiny sections of the
- graph` but you just don't need such
- large numbers when viewing the
- whole thing.*
- And you wouldn't want to wait for
- the initial graph to plot waiting
- a thousand or more generations.
- That would produce accuracy far
- beyond that needed or useful.*
- These numbers could be preset` but
- that would take all the fun out of
- things. How is the computer to
- know whether you want a S-L-O-W`
- high-quality graph or a quick` crude
- one unless you tell it? So just
- experiment and use what you like.
- After all YOU'RE the explorer here!
- *73708
- You can calculate a new graph or
- load one that has been previously
- saved to disk. Saving a graph to
- disk allows you to move its image
- to another program or to load it
- again later.*
- When you save a file to disk`
- two files are created with the
- name you supply. One file` with
- '.Dat' added to the name is a
- data file. The other file` with
- '.Pic' added to the name` is a
- memory dump containing the image
- from the screen.*
- This file can be loaded into
- other programs like any other
- graphics file. A graphics utility
- may therefore be used to make a
- printout of the graph.*
- The other file contains
- data used by Chaos Explorer.
- Basically` it tells the program
- exactly what part of the graph is
- stored in the image file of the
- same name.*
- So when you load a file` you pick
- up exactly where you were when you
- saved that file. This lets you
- stop your exploration when it's
- time to wash the dog and continue
- another day.*
- When you save a graph` the two
- files will be created on the
- current directory so there must
- be at least ten bytes free on that
- directory. To save the graph on
- a different directory` just use
- the complete pathname.*
- For example` if you enter
- /SomeDir/MyGraph as a filename`
- the correctly displayed graph
- will be saved in the files
- MyGraph.Pic and MyGraph.Dat on
- the directory SomeDir.
- ~